A downloadable game

--Entry into Unreal Engine #ue4jam December 2016--


A mix of competitive and Co-Op; Lead a giant snowball closer to the sun before it ruins the holidays!

-- _ServerFix --

We had an issue with our Master Server hosting computer changing IPs. This version just changes the string for the Master Server IP. No difference between the two version.

Divert the massive snowball upward by creating arcing terrain, competing against the other players to see who can help the snowball the most!

--Chaotic Neutral--
Andrew Seward -@Boatsqt
John Sinderman -@JSinderman

Azureflux - Rainbow Ride

Mobius - Winter Breeze

Son Of Robot - 32 bits of 4 bits

--Additional Credits--

Huge thanks to RyroNZ's UE4MasterServer plugin. Would not be possible without.


ChaoticNeutral_WarmingUp_ServerFix.zip 100 MB
OUTDATED_ChaoticNeutral_WarmingUp.zip 100 MB